Tuesday, April 1, 2008


One thing I will not miss, now that Reed is nearly 1, is opening the formula can. (Yes, not having to BUY the formula is a perk as well!)

It NEVER fails, every time I go to open the can - a huge explosion occurs. It always happens right after I wipe down my countertops, and I am left with a sticky powdery mess.

You would think that after living here for the entire time he has had formula, I would anticipate it. BUT NOOOO, I forget and every time it surprises me. I still can't get used to this high altitude when it comes to anything in the kitchen!


Jane said...

I always hated opening formula cans, I would try so hard everytime to see if I could make it not explode. Never happened. It drove me nuts everytime.

Amy said...

I just tapped them- that seemed to work for me.....

I'm sure it's the can and not the operator though! :)

Katie said...

So what's more scary...Opening a can of formula, or nursing a baby with TEETH?