We had 120 children in our program today, out of 150+ that we have in the primary. As you can see, we had some not show up, which is typical.
The children did such a fabulous job. They sang beautifully, spoke their lines so well, and sat reverently. We not only have kids on the stand, but kids all along the front of the pulpit on the floor, and the first 4 rows of pews - full of kids.
The teachers were great in helping the reverence, and our choristers did the BEST job ever.
The spirit was so strong, and it made me so happy to be in primary, and part of the children's lives. They are such little sponges, just waiting to be led, and waiting to be taught. I am so grateful for the Savior, for his example, and for his teachings. I love that I get to be a small part of their lives, and their testimonies. They have strengthened my testimony more than I will ever influence them.
Bella did a great job saying her line, and I was happy to see her sing so well. Sometimes we have issues with her not wanting to sing so much while at church.
It was funny to think that next year both Bella AND Sofie will be up there together. Sofie was a little disappointed that she didn't get to say her line from her preschool program!
I was so sad that we missed ours this year. But we were at Disneyland...so not THAT sad!
I do miss writing them though. I always enjoyed doing that when I was in the Primary. They always turn out so amazing. It is wonderful what the Spirit can do to make 150 kids reverent!
Everyone thinks I'm such a "toughie".
Imagine their surprise seeing me on Primary Program Sunday bawling my eyes out for 45 minutes straight. I cannot not be touched by those sweet voice singing those divine songs.
I'm tearing up now just thinking about it!
Oh- and this is why it's so hard for me to have a calling in sharing time. The kids are continually asking, "Sis. Huhtala, why are you crying? What's wrong?"
I thought the program went very well and I agree that the spirit was so strong. It makes me want to try harder everyday to teach my children the gospel so they have that knowlege to help them through life when they are older. You guys did a very good job putting it all together. Thank You!
I love primary programs!! A few years ago I was in the Presidency and felt a little stressed about it, but of course, it was fabulous and made me cry just like they all do!
I miss your cute kids! I'm in the Stake Primary now so we try to see all the ward's presentations. They are all so good!
By the way- that cute picture above this with the primary children. My cousin drew that! She has been drawing pictures for the friend for about 30 years. Her name is Julie Young.
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