Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fun Stuff

How do you keep two tiny preschoolers busy long enough so you can take a shower?
Raid the pantry and find anything edible with a hole in the middle.
Guess which was the favorite - the gummy lifesavers or the cereal?


Diana Waite said...

you are a brave woman! I still can't leave my kids alone for a shower! :) They get into EVERYTHING when I step out of the room for like 5 minutes.....

scollier said...

Do you mind coming and entertaining mine? Sorry you have been worried about me. All is well in VA. I didn't get the twilight series read before Breaking Dawn came out. When Stephenie posted the Midnight Sun rough draft I decided to read that and then I had to reread twilight with it. I couldn't stop there so 4 days and hundreds of pages later I finished the series. I liked it much better second round. We got our carpet in our basement on Friday. YEAH!!! The basement is almost done. Hopefully by the end of next week. I have decided to skip my birthday this year. I am kind of in a funk about my b-day this year for some reason. Jonathan is up to something though. love ya

scollier said...

Sorry for the long post but I forgot to tell you that Melissa is having a GIRL!!!!! Ask me how excited I am.