I had such a good time in Kansas visiting her last month, and it's always hard when the time comes to an end.
With 10 kids in our house, you don't get an awful lot of one on one time with parents. I must say, I am so thankful to have such a good relationship with my mom as an adult. We love having my parents come and visit. When we lived in Phoenix, they would often stay for quite some time, because 2 of my sisters live there as well. Once they stayed for 2 months, during the holidays, and it was great. I miss having them around, and the kids do too!
We will see them next month at the family reunion in South Dakota, and they are thinking of going to Phoenix for Thanksgiving (which we will be there as well).
I love being able to pick up the phone and talk to them often, talk about anything, but mostly about nothing. Love you mom! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to your mom, I hope she comes for another visit. She was so much fun to have
I hope you mailed her a gourmet cake!!
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