Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A princess tea

So I've been meaning to post this and haven't. A couple Saturdays ago Jeff and I were cleaning out the basement, getting ready to start construction. Meanwhile, the girls were upstairs playing with who know what. They would come in and out saying something about a tea party and lunch, but I really didn't pay much attention.

So finally I came upstairs to discover this:

I was cracking up at their sweatshirts and pioneer bonnets draped over their chairs. (When you live in Utah, your bonnet IS your fancy hat!) They set up the CD player with their princess tea music and everything.They apparently were out primping when I took the first photo. They reappeared and showed me their dessert (M&M's and tootsie pops). Then Bella announced she had made the lunch of apple juice and turkey lunch meat. MMMMmmm good!


Jane said...

You told me about this, but the picture makes it even cuter. I better invest in some bonnets for my girls high school prom, I didn't know that they were so fancy here.

Janell said...

Ha-ha! That is SO cute. I love the imagination of littles! :)