Sunday, August 24, 2008

Little Lunch Ladies

While we were outside working on the yard, Bella got herself and Sofie dressed. They played in the playroom, until it was lunchtime. The next thing I knew, she and Sofie surprised Jeff and I with lunch that the two of them made.
On the menu was peanut butter and honey sandwiches (a TOTAL Utah thing), Cheetos, apple slices (pre-packaged), and glasses of water (complete with straws).

Can you tell they didn't use ANY knives? Don't you just want to sink your teeth into this appetizing feast? (Believe it or not, no one had sunk their teeth into the above sandwich yet!)


Diana Waite said...

Look at those happy faces! They are so proud they could help, so cute!

Katie said...

You have trained them WELL!

I will give Utah credit for fry sauce, but peanut butter + honey is as American as apple pie! Good choice girls!

Chantelle said...

How incredibly thoughtful! Watch out Dawn, that means they are growing up. You should try a PB & Honey sandwich on toasted bread... so yummy!

Amy said...

That's cute!

I love it when kids decide to do something on their own instead of wanting you to entertain them all day!

Janell said...

That's FUNNY! Don't worry, though, I'm sure they'll be cooking AMAZING "Dawn-worthy" meals, all too soon! :)