Let me tell you how nice it is to have a photographer follow your children around and take the best shots of them! Jane is the best - she takes dazzling photos and I love her!

We went to a little splash park today with Jane and the kids and it was fun. Bella was the only one who got really wet, after all, it was only about 80 degrees this morning.

Jeff has been working a late shift for a few days, doing some testing with a crew from out of state. So it was great that he got to come along as well.

Jeff laughs at me because up until about 2 months ago, I never noticed my chunky little Sofie's extra "gathers" in her neck! It cracks me up now!

Where in the heck is this park? You MUST take us! I will pester and bug and drive you absolutely INSANE until you do.
You guys aren't supposed to have any fun after we leave.
Oh well, I will comfort myself with the thought that tonight is the night I win my apron!!
By the way - The pictures are amazing!!
You're the only Mom I know that puts bows in their hair when they swim!
Hey- did you ever find Sophie's shoes? I have looked everywhere. Let me know so I don't stay up all night Monday looking for them.
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