Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mr. Greedy

Bella got a "Crazy 8" card game for Christmas in her stocking. It was attached to a tube of big gumballs. She and Jeff had played many a round of the card game, each of them losing many hands. It's quite funny to see Jeff playing with cards that measure 1" x 1 1/2". They're about as big as his thumbs. Bella loves playing the game and doesn't mind losing, just so that she gets to play it again.

So with that in mind, we played a game at the end of our Family Home Evening lesson last Monday night. The lesson was so cute and was on sharing our love with others. The card game used characters from the lesson. The object was to collect sets of the same suit of card, and not get stuck with "Mr. Greedy". Instead, you wanted to have "Mr. Nicely" when the game ended.
So we played, and when the game ended Bella had "Mr. Greedy". Suddenly she burst into tears and was a complete lunatic. Upon questioning, she freaked out because she "didn't want the bad guy". Never did we know this would have such an effect on her. So we played two more hands, so that Mommy and Daddy each ended with him one time, and all was well.


Des said...

Hey! That's a cool FHE...I wonder where you got it?? :)
Did we ever figure out where the story to that lesson ended up? Let me know! We need to get together soon. Maybe a game night or something!

Jane said...

Cute Bella. I wouldn't want to be stuck with him either, he is MEAN!