Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pass the milk please!

You've heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well Reed is of the opinion that it might as well be the most delicious as well. He pulled this out on Sunday insisting that it be his 'cereal' that day. Notice that he even pulled it out of the box! That cute smile went away quite quickly when Daddy informed him he couldn't have it.


Diana Waite said...

BOYS!! That is TOTALLY something Carson would do!

Chantelle said...

I think you should make him cake for breakfast tomorrow! :) He'll love ya forever for it.

Jane said...

I personally think that looks like an amazing breakfast. Tell him to come to aunt Jane's house and I'll let him eat cake mix for cereal.

Katie said...

I always knew you were smart Reed. I just wish I thought of it first!!

Susan said...

Reed - I totally relate. LOVE YOU!!!